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October 31, 2008
October 29, 2008

October 23, 2008
A Strong Heartbeat!!!
My 13 week doctor's appointment was yesterday and it was exciting to hear the heartbeat so strong! He has dismissed any high risk due to the hemmorage I had and said we are officially "in the clear!" It was great to have the doctor give us the okay to get super excited! As exciting as it was, it also had its low points. I have officially gained 6 pounds and passed the 110 pound mark for the first time in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little scary, but at least it's for a good cause! I spent the night thinking...where did 6 pounds come from!?! Then I began to recall the nights of ice cream and trips to Hardee's in the last few weeks :) So I am going to have to start watching what I eat a little more closely!!!
October 17, 2008
12 Week Ultrasound
Yesterday was the most amazing day of our lives! Seeing our baby (acutally look like a baby) was so wonderful. As soon as the ultrasound cut on, we could see our baby moving around and see a heartbeat. The heartbeat measured a strong 171 and the fluid check for its neck was good too! We actually got to count 10 fingers and 10 toes through the new 3 and 4-D photos. It was unexplainable to watch our baby move its hands and body as the nurse poked my stomach. It's still way too early to feel myself, but I am anxiously awaiting the time when I can feel my baby move! We had a 75% accurate gender reading done, but we still aren't convinced yet! We are going to wait to our 20 week to make sure its what we think! The reality that a baby is on its way hit Chad and I hard and we had fun talking future plans in the car on the way home. God is great and the baby is healthy! So much to be thankful for!
October 12, 2008
Having Fun with Friends
Chad has been so patient and supportive through this crazy time we are having. One of the ways he relaxes is to go outside with our good friends the Patricks (Caroline and Jarret) next door. They have 3 precoius kids that ADORE their Mr. Chad. As a matter of fact, they like him so much that they call me "Mrs. Chad" most of the time! We are lucky to have them so close to ask questions and share frustrations. Caroline is my "please share in my mysery" friend when the morning sickness is more than I can handle. Jarret helps Chad relax by assuring him he will be a great father, and allows him PLENTY of practice with his three handfulls!!! We are so thankful to have the Patricks in our lives and look forward to sharing this experience with them.
October 11, 2008
Stress and Carolina Football
Today Chad and I spent the day at home together. We had lunch in, took a walk with Cali, and watched some Carolina football. The one thing I have read in all of my pregnancy magazines and books is to keep the stress level of your body down as much as possible. Well if you know anything about being a Gamecock fan, you know that every Saturday is FULL of stress! Today was no different. We came out on top, but I feel like I need to go to bed at 7 just to calm my nerves!! Ha! Only 4 days until our next ultra sound and we can't wait!!!
October 8, 2008
10 (and a half) weeks!!!
I am feeling more and more confident about things going well as we grow closer to the 12 week mark. The sickness is growing weaker while my food cravings are increasing like crazy!! My bank statements are a joke! 1.25 for a slushie here, 2. 50 for a burger there... I am spending more each week in gas driving from Chapin to Irmo to feed myself! Chad is just enjoying that part of the ride! We have our next ultra sound next week and I can't wait. I want to actually see a "baby" this time, and they assure us we will. Maternity clothes are starting to make their way into my closet, although most people can't tell anything yet. I wore my first pair to work today and got made fun of! It's just difficult to sit down or bend over comfortably in my "normal" jeans these days. They hit me in an uncomfortable spot. After wearing my maternity pants for a day I have to tell you...what was I worried about! They are so comfortable! 

October 4, 2008
Do people in SC get pregnant!?!
Well today I conquered my fear and bought my first pair of maternity pants! Much to my surprise, I discovered that NOWHERE in South Carolina do they sell size 0 maternity pants. Let's check through the list: first Target (no 0), then Motherhood Maternity (they laughed at me), Old Navy (ehh), then the internet. After hours of searching I found that there are websites such as Gap and Ann Taylor that sell sizes that small but the other side of that coin is they cost a fortune!!!! So I bought a too big size pair of jeans from Old Navy to get me through, and in the meantime, I'm going to pray that my Gap online order comes in and everything fits!!!
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