April 25, 2009
April 24, 2009
My Something Beautiful
One Week Old
April 20, 2009
Bringing Baby Home!
Everyone in blue!
Mommy's first home feeding
Daddy's first home feeding
A glimpse into the future:
Daddy and Brayden watching sportscenter
Meeting the family
Meeting Granddaddy Bill
Meeting Great Grandma Millie
We were also fortunate enough to have Great Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Bridges visit us. Unfortunately for some reason we did not take pictures with my camera of them. So when we get some photos of them from their camera I will add them up. They drove all night from Louisianna to meet Brayden for an hour, then drove back. One day when he is old enough to understand, I know he will cherish that!
April 19, 2009
I should be sleeping...
Then there was three...
Mom, dad, and Brayden are all doing great and ready to start their new adventure....together :)
April 18, 2009
The big day!!!
My awesome nurse helping me get through my contractions.
5:30am-up for work
6:00am-not walking to easily
7:00am-3:00pm-taught an entire day of school in a good bit of pain
3:05pm-telling people “I think these are contractions”
3:06pm-everyone telling me “oh no…you will know if they are contractions”
4:00pm-calling mom to ask if she thinks I should call the doctor and stay home from work tomorrow
4:05pm-nurse at doctor’s office says since Dr. Chris is on call she will talk to him and call me back
5:15pm-doctor calls and tells me to come on up to labor and delivery just so he can “check me out” and make sure things are okay
6:00pm-told Chad to stay at practice because I’d be back home late, go in the car with mom still saying “I think these are contractions”
6:30pm-arriving at labor and delivery, getting hooked up to the machine thinking I'll be tired tomorrow at work
6:31pm-after looking at monitor I said…”Wow, they were contractions!”
7:00pm-doctor says he is afraid to send me home because I’ll be right back up there. Calling Chad to say “just get our bags and come on up…but don’t worry about bringing them in.” STILL thinking I'll be at work tomorrow
8:00pm-9:45pm-walking up and down the hall with contractions 3 minutes apart and hooking up to monitor telling Chad "I'm going to work tomorrow if this baby isn't here."
10:00pm-dilated another centimeter-beginning to think I might not be at work!
10:30pm-Dr. Chris says “I’m going to break your water…you will have a baby tonight”
10:31pm-FREAK OUT….”Chad, go get our bags.”
10:45pm-Dr. Chris breaks my water because the baby is already on his way out
10:46pm-contractions immediately 1 minute apart
10:50pm-nurse running down the hall to tell them to come do my epidural NOW!!!
11:00pm-4cm dilated, fall asleep because drugs are GREAT
2:15am-waking up saying “Mom go get the nurse, I’m feeling like I need to push”
2:20am-9cm dilated
2:25am-10cm dilated...pushing begins (pushed through 6 or 7 contractions in one hour)
3:25am-BRAYDEN IS HERE! Chad cuts the cord, lots of tears, lots of pictures, overwhelming feelings!
Whew! What a day! I must say…labor and delivery were not anything like I expected (and I mean that in the best way possible). Things could not have gone any smoother…What an answer to prayer! If I was to type out everything about the day it would take forever, so hope you enjoy the recap!
Meet Brayden
7 lbs, 2 oz, 20.5 inches
As you can only image, the last 2 days have been crazy! I promise to get pictures and stories up as soon as we get settled in at home! He is a perfect baby and Chad and I are completely beside ourselves with joy! What a blessing he is. More post coming soon...
April 14, 2009
Now we are just waiting to see...is today the day????
April 13, 2009
There's No Way....
"There is NO way you will make it through the weekend without having this baby!"
As of today I am 2 more centimeters dilated, 85% effaced and as Dr. Chris put it "he is falling out!" He told me if I was one more week along we would be walking over to the hospital to be having this baby. How exciting AND scary!!! I wasn't mentally prepared to think he could be here any second. So...since he cannot induce at 37 weeks, I am home, wondering "is it going to be tonight"? Dr. Chris says if I make it to my appointment next Monday, and show progression, we WILL be having a baby next week! AHHHHHH!
April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
April 10, 2009
Moment to Brag...
I must brag...
I believe I have the most wonderful, patient man in the whole world! Every morning for the past 3 days (on Spring Break!!), he has gotten up at 7:30 to take our cars to be serviced. He took my car for an oil change once, his car the next, and now taking mine back to get the tires rotated. I really wanted to have as much done before baby got here, and Chad has really stepped up. As if getting up at 7:30 on Spring Break isn't bad enough, he worked on both of our lawn mowers (which were not working), he helped me clean the house, went with me as I drug him all around Columbia for a camcorder, AND finished the nursery. And if that isn't good enough, he grilled me enough burgers to last me the week!! (Fresh red meat is one of the few things I can eat for my iron!) What a sweet man I have!! Never a complaint! I am so blessed to have him!
Because of Chad I now have a clean house, a freshly mowed front yard, a complete nursery ready for our baby boy, a nice and tuned up car, and a new camcorder!! Now I'm ready...
April 7, 2009
Spring Break Chores!
Chad at the pediatrician's office. We love the bible verse!
April 5, 2009
April 3, 2009
Chad's Baby Shower
Today was Chad's baby shower! His school threw it for him and it was wonderful! We have been blessed with such wonderful people in our lives. Our baby boy is entering a very loving environment!