October 31, 2009

October 28, 2009
Rough and Tough....and a question for moms!
October 24, 2009
Super Saturday!
A First For Mommy
6 Months
- 18 pounds, 6 ounces-75th percentile
- 26.5 inches long-50th percentile
- 10th percentile for head! Yeah!! Had a fear of "big head baby" syndrome!
- able to move to 2nd level baby foods
- had 6 immunizations
About 12 hours after his shots he started running fever. I have always scheduled his appointments for Friday in case this happened. That way he wouldn't be in child care and we have to leave work. However...mommy made a THURSDAY appointment this time since all was well the other two times. Shame on Mommy. So we had to leave work and pick up Brayden with 102 fever and come home. He has had a rough 24 hours and woke up in the middle of the night last night for the first time in FOREVER! But he hasn't had high fever since yesterday afternoon, so we are hopeful that the worst is over.
Some other fun things about our precious 6th month old are:
- he's starting to want to sit up on his own! he can support himself for about 5 seconds now...it's too funny!
- he's wanting to feed himself
- he's moved to size 4 diapers
- he's eating 3 meals a day and one bottle before bed
- he's starting to be very alarmed at loud noises-and cried for the first time when Cali barked last week
- no stranger anxiety-however the doctor tells me "Brooke...it WILL come and it WILL be much harder to leave him in the mornings then...but it's just a phase." Great-looking forward to that one...like leaving him isn't hard enough!
- he likes to look out the window in the car
- he's close to needing a new car seat, so we are in the shopping market for one now!
- he creeps everywhere on his tummy
- he's actually starting to want a paci
- he's not sucking his thumb as much, only when it's bedtime
At first, I didn't want him to grow a day more! I wanted Brayden to stay my little baby boy forever. I always want him to be my precious baby boy, but I'm loving each growing day more and more.
October 21, 2009
Christmas every day!
In with the new...
Lately Brayden has been desperately wanting to hold his own bottle. He just can't support an 8 ounce bottle though, so I thought I'd try an introduction to a transition cup. We bough him the NUK sippy cup (which he loved!) and he was able to feed himself-for like 30 seconds! We are going to keep working on it! He's just getting more and more independent everyday!
October 17, 2009
Still holding strong!
Well guess what?
More Firsts...
October 15, 2009
Take note...
And he's up...
TV time with daddy
October 12, 2009
Time of our lives
October 10, 2009
Where's Brayden??
We could hardly get him to look at us becasue he wanted to observe and touch all the pumpkins in the wagon!
Then Brayden and mommy sat on the hay stacks and got their pictures taken!
Brayden liked the hay!
Then we walked around to find the "just right" pumpkin to take home with us. We can't wait to carve it for Brayden's first Halloween!
And we couldn't leave without a boo picture!