December 26, 2010

Icing on the Christmas Cake

Today wasn't Christmas, but the fun wasn't over just yet! We had 2 GREAT surprises in store. 1-it snowed and Brayden had a BLAST playing in it! So did daddy and Cali...

And 2-Aunt Brittany got engaged!!!!!! They came over to celebrate with us for a while. Brayden is super excited about his "Uncle Logan!"
We played for a while, then went out for lunch so Aunt Britt could celebrate with her friends too!

Brayden sat with Jeremy and watched some football.
And Erica shared her phone.
What a great Christmas AND day after!!

Christmas Day

Brayden couldn't put down the trains that Santa brought him! But we did manage to get him in his new football hat!

That night we went up to Great Grandma Millie's. Logan and Travis joined us for more gifts and dinner.

Then when we got home, we waited for the snow and Brayden played on his train table...again!

Merry Christmas!

After Christmas Eve service, we went home and Travis came over. He brought Brayden a present.

A roomerang...
A sticky dart...
His first gun!!! A ping pong gun of course...

Then he went to bed and Santa came!!
Daddy tried his best to help Santa build Brayden's grill, but we discovered there were pieces missing!! So Santa will have to take a trip back to the Bridges' house next week after he gets it fixed.
We video taped Christmas morning, but as you can only imagine. His train table was a big hit! Thanks Santa!

December 20, 2010

JJ's Christmas Party

This week I took Brayden to JJ's school. She was having her staff Children's party. Brayden had a blast!