August 29, 2010

Picking up the pieces

I know...I know...It's been forever!!!!

Let me fill you in from the last 20 days of my life!
  • started teaching kindergarten
  • had to switch childcare providers
  • have a crazy 16 month old who is CLIMBING everything! I can't look away for 2 seconds!
  • got a tummy bug-ew
  • then daddy got a bug-really ew
  • Brayden got a cold-back to the doctor with him-started to turn ear infection but we caught it soon enough
  • had a pregnancy scare-yes SCARE! Didn't think it was in God's plan for me right now-glad I was right!
  • daddy started back soccer-TWO teams...
  • had 2 nervous breakdowns wondering if I can handle being a working mother
  • been to bed at 7:30 or EARLIER every day since school started
  • and have NOT had the time to figure out how to upload pics from my new camera

So......that's a little about what has been going on around here! When I can pick up the pieces of this craziness, and I can begin to find some sort of structure to my days, I will upload some new pics of the Bridges family! Until then....

August 22, 2010

We Love Chocolate!

August 8, 2010

Fun out of the sun!

Daddy and I have had to be creative about where to take our little one during these intense days of heat! Somehow we always end up walking around the mall. We have found that if we park at J.C. Penny, we encounter a screeching-hands in the air-smiling baby boy! Why---we have to pass the rides! He is in love with them!
The fire truck...

The ice cream truck...his favorite!

And the choo choo train!