March 13, 2009

Calling all Mommies!!!

Okay moms...In the next 2 or 3 weeks I'm going to get my hospital bag ready! Can you believe it?!? As I begin to gather what I need, I'd love to know of something you wish you would have had during your delivery and hospital stay! Please "comment" and let me know if you can think of something other than the obvious things like clothes, bathroom/shower supplies, and nightgowns!


Anonymous said...

Hey Brooke! I hope you are doing well and that someone has fixed your air conditioner by now! :) I wanted to leave a comment about something i had at the hospital with me that i'm so glad i had. My mom always told me to try to look nice in the hospital when I was going to have Christian even though it would be stressful going through labor and delivery and I would just want to sleep and not really worry much about how I looked to everyone else. :) So we went and bought a couple of nice nightgowns but I also grabbed 2 small things of body lotion. These were 2 scents that i had never used or smelled before and I took them and used them on my hands and legs on the 2 days after Christian was born. I still have about half a bottle left of each and I'm SO GLAD because even 2 years later I can go and smell them and it takes me immediately back to those new mommy moments with my son. It's really amazing what you can relate smells to. GOOD LUCK! xox

Anonymous said...

I highly recommend a nursing cami (I bought mine at Target). I wore mine so much that I bought two more. They are so comfortable and modest if you have other people in the room. You can just simply cover the baby with a burp cloth (thats all you need) and you are good to go. Also, make sure you buy some makeup remover wipes. You may not feel like getting up from bed to wash your face.

Barbra Davis said...

Just comfy nightgowns....your camera, video camera and a notepad... you can write initial thoughts, questions you have while you are there, lists of all the nice things peole will do for you, lists of people who call or come by... it's a little like your wedding... it's all overwhelming and you will forget.. plus... the babybooks always ask that question.. Bring something maternity to wear home. Put your seat in the car early so Chad won't have to struggle with it while you are upstairs waiting for him to come get you two. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Love you!

Kolb Family said...

Hey Brooke, Just remember not to stress to bad if you forget something someone can always run home or to the store to get it for you!! During both of my times in the hospital I took my rainbow flip flops and wore them instead of slippers because they are easy to slide on and I could wear them in the shower, etc.. A nursing tank top is alwasy good to have, I took gum since you can't eat, I enjoyed chewing it if I felt a little queasy... Make sure someone brings you guys some snacks to have in the room for after you have the baby since you will be there for several days, trust me you will want to snack especially when they are coming in every hour to give you medicine and check you out!! Hope this helps!! Can't wait to see pics when that sweet boy makes his arrival!

Jennifer said...

If you are going to breast feed I would definitely bring your Boppy pillow. I forgot mine at first and had to stack 3-4 of those flat hospital pillows on top of each other everytime to prop him up. It took so long to get everything just right and comfortable. The Boppy is so helpful and your guests who visit you in the hospital can use it too and it will make you and them both more comfortable when holding the little one.