For the past 3 years we have had A/C issues! This year when the A/C went out I happened to be NINE MONTHS pregnant! No A/C and full term is not a good combination. So I called and had my hormonal breakdown with our air people and they replaced all that was of charge. So...
It went out AGAIN today! I noticed it was getting warm, so I cut it to 70 and NOTHING happened. Then my poor baby boy started getting fussy and was really warm. So I stripped him, put on some shorts, and called the air people back. Needless to mommy claws came out! I was not a happy mama, and you know what they say-If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! Poor Chad! But my mommy complaining got me a technician 30 minutes later and within the hour my thermostat was on the way back down in numbers. Free of charge too! So now we are back to trying to find our A/C problem. For 3 years we have been dealing with this A/C! I've been after a whole new unit since the problems started...after all it is a new build. We have been dealing with it the 3 years we've been here because its just been us, but now we have our special boy to think about. So I dare the A/C people to mess with me! I WILL get what I need for my baby boy!
We had that problem last summer. They (the air conditioning fixer mebn) finally told us that when it gets so hot, the air conditioner can only get the house 20 degrees below the temp outside. It was no fun!
That is awful....good thing u got it fixed before this weekend...that would have been really miserable.
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