November 20, 2008

17 Weeks

Another doctor's appointment down. Our BIG one is next!!! I got to hear the heartbeat and was measured to make sure baby was growing. Everything was great, except they put me on the dreaded iron pills! I've heard they make you pretty sick, so I'm not looking forward to starting them... We also had our genetic blood testing done to make sure everything is okay with baby. Please pray this week as we wait for those results to come in. Hopefully all test are negative and we have made it through the most critical half of pregnancy with no problems. Things at home are changing as well as my body! Cali can definitely tell something is up. She has become A LOT more needed than usual and has to be constantly touched. Today is her birthday and she turns 4! It feels like we just got her. We are going to get her some special doggy treats this afternoon and spend some time with her. I'm sure she will feel pretty neglected for a while once baby gets here and our attention shifts! Well, we are on the countdown to find our what the gender of our baby is! Only 27 more days...

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