September 7, 2009

Newest Favorites...

4 months has brought about many changes in my baby boy. He is eating solids, sleeping through the night, playing a lot more, growing out of clothes, and enjoying new toys and games. His favorite toys at the current time are...
He loves his teething toy lion. It is a rattle/noise maker/teether toy. He likes to make it shake and eat ALL parts of it!
He also loves to play with his spoon we discovered! Although he cannot be left with it too long or he gags himself with it! Mommy panics, and he laughs!
And Brayden's FAVORITE toy at the current time... Daddy's FACE! He likes to pinch, pull, and slobber allllll over daddy. It is just too funny to watch. He just laughs and laughs! I'm loving every new thing this little boy does! I can't imagine what life would be like if he wasn't here. Can't wait for next months "new" favorites!

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